We Will Build Genuinely.
In God's kingdom, there's a big focus on how we treat each other and the importance of genuine relationships over just doing tasks. Think of it like this: we want to be friends first before we start helping each other out with chores. Sometimes, people treat others like objects, just to get things done. That's not cool because everyone has feelings, and problems, and deserves to be valued for who they are, not just for what they can do.
In a world that often cares more about showing off skills and achievements, God's kingdom values the idea of being a big family. This family vibe means we all help out when needed, but we do it because we care about each other, not because we're trying to impress anyone or find our worth in just doing things.
When someone wants to join and help out in this kingdom family, we ask them to hang out with us first, get to know what we're all about, and build real friendships with the leaders and others. This way, love and friendship come first, which is super important. It's like what Paul said in the Bible: we should really get to know the people we work and hang out with, and not just rush into giving them big responsibilities without truly understanding who they are.
We will build Generationally.
In the Old Testament, when God made promises, He was talking to families that stretched through generations - like Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob's family. It's like saying the good stuff God plans isn't just for one person, but for their kids and even their grandkids. At Eastgate Charlotte, we think this idea of blessings passing down through generations is super important and want our church to show that.
We aim to have every part of our church, no matter what we're doing, be a place where people of all ages can come together. Whether it's kids, parents, or grandparents, we want everyone involved. It’s all about working together, learning from each other, and making things better for everyone. We believe that sticking only with people your own age misses out on a lot. It's kind of like only caring about what you want and not getting the chance to share experiences and wisdom with others who are younger or older. We're all about mixing it up, sharing the love across generations, and making sure we're all in this together.

We will build Generously.
Eastgate Charlotte believes that tithing was an important principle in the Old Testament, which Jesus Christ and the apostles expanded on in the New Testament. We encourage our members to start their giving journey with tithing, but our main focus is on cultivating a spirit of generosity, rather than sticking to tithing as a strict rule. As we live under the New Covenant, influenced by God's grace, giving ten percent (tithing) becomes just the starting point. Our giving should be an act of joy, contributing more than the minimum to support God's kingdom.
The early church, as described in the Acts of the Apostles, didn't limit themselves to just tithing. They were the epitome of generosity, going as far as selling their belongings to meet the needs of their community members.
In the Gospel of Matthew, Chapter 8, it's depicted how Jesus observed people as they made their offerings to God, noting not just the amount, but the intent and capacity behind each contribution. This teaches us that Jesus values our gifts based on the attitude of our hearts and our ability to generate wealth. It's crucial to remember that emulating Christ's nature is best achieved through acts of forgiveness and generosity.
learning from each other, and making things better for everyone. We believe that sticking only with people your own age misses out on a lot. It's kind of like only caring about what you want and not getting the chance to share experiences and wisdom with others who are younger or older. We're all about mixing it up, sharing the love across generations, and making sure we're all in this together.
THE 300
We believe that God is raising a Remnant, and we are believing for a core team of 300 strong to unite Charlotte with purpose and the presence of God. Once this core team is assembled we believe God will use our Eastgate Charlotte hub to plant and mobilize teams to other regions to build other Eastgate expressions in other regions.